Camp 2014 Leader Information

Peace Love Camp

Hello, Girl Scout Leaders of Lake Austin Service Unit! The 2014 Camp
Committee is excited to announce that registration is NOW OPEN for our
fall campout.
November 14-16
Camp Champions in Marble Falls.
This year’s theme is
Groovy, man!
Registration is ONLINE this year. Please read carefully the to-do lists
provided below
Leader To Do List:
1. Send the Parent To Do List to your families who plan to attend camp.
● Please remind each family to register only one time. For example, families that
have daughters in multiple troops only need to complete the online registration
once, listing all campers in that family.
2. Collect payments from your troop members and write one troop check, payable to
3. Collect signed Camp Champion’s Visitor Agreement from each family. Every camp
attendee in your troop–adults, too– must have a signed waiver.
4. Print and fill out the Troop Registration Payment Summary.
5. Place everything in an envelope labeled with your troop number and leave it in the bin on
the porch at Sarah’s (SUD) house: 12713 Capella Trail in Summer Vista in Steiner.
We will be unable to register your troop until all of the above items are submitted.
Registration can only be completed online, but all other forms and a camp FAQ can be
found under Forms on Rallyhood and on the website.
Questions? Concerns? Email Adriana Cox